Chomi is a mother to 3 young sons, an attorney and an author.
She passed the Wisconsin Bar Exam,
like other licensed attorneys in Wisconsin who graduated from a law school outside of Wisconsin.
Chomi and her family, which consists of her three sons and herself, officially left the Christian Church, practice no religion and have no religious affiliation. She is the first person in her family lineage to have obtained an undergraduate college degree and then went further and obtained her post graduate degree, a Doctorate (Juris Doctor).
Chomi grew up in the Berryland Projects of Milwaukee, WI. Ms. Prag graduated from Riverside University High School in Milwaukee, WI. She graduated from Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree. Ms. Prag also graduated from Syracuse University College of Law in Syracuse, NY, obtaining a Juris Doctor Degree.
Attorney Prag started her own small business over a decade ago, practicing law and litigating.
Everyone expect the Natives and the Sub Saharan Negroid that was dragged here to be their slaves are TRESPASSING on the NATIVES' LAND they call the "United States of America".
US Citizenship is not real and has not given anyone FREEDOM nor is it meant to under this ILLEGITIMATE '"government" regime that has no real jurisdiction, state federal and local.
NONE of the treaties the NATIVES entered into are legitimate, contain no consideration, a concept under their own "American Law" and were either fraudulently signed by a Native or the Native was FORCED to sign it.
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