Former President Obama gives President Biden a "Presidential Medal of Freedom".
The elderly and infirm rule the United States, through their government system. They like to give each other medals but have no rightful jurisdiction in this, the NATIVES' LAND.
Gerontocracy; a form of government rule
Former President Obama gives President Biden a "Presidential Medal of Freedom".
The elderly and infirm rule the United States, through their government system. They like to give each other medals but have no rightful jurisdiction in this, the NATIVES' LAND.
Gerontocracy; a form of government ruled by leaders who are significantly older than most of the adult population.
The coffin is calling for you... ring, ring!
The American Government will do anything for you to flip a vote into their "mout" (sic) the Mr. Mouth game.
They are bottom feeders that leech off "of the people's taxes" the Steve Miller Band song "Take the Money and Run".
They are weak, disabled, over and beyond the age of retirement and fill all kinds of government positions in the USA milking for USD!
Not to be outmatched, it isn't just OLD FOLKS in the Democratic Party either...
The morbid obesity in the USA is rampant. Certain Americans call being unhealthy being "big boned" or "big bonedid".
They have an excuse for all things unhealthy in the USA. That which is unintelligent rules which is why "American" can't handle the metric system, 24 hour clock, celcius, etc.
They also can't handle the "troot", aka "truth".
Immigration, especially illegal immigration masked as asylum seekers, bring poverty for everyone here.
The standard of living has been dropped to its lowest tiers and the costs to live keep rising.
As my parents always said, "This country has money for everyone but its own people".
Low wages FOR A
Immigration, especially illegal immigration masked as asylum seekers, bring poverty for everyone here.
The standard of living has been dropped to its lowest tiers and the costs to live keep rising.
As my parents always said, "This country has money for everyone but its own people".
Low wages FOR ALL because of the illegitimate government and their illegitimate monetary system too!
Revolution in the United States reveals the real conditions and situations the fragile country faces amidst its fooling itself into believing its own propaganda that the United States is the most superior country on the planet earth. From the Christian religion being foisted and forced upon the country to the capitalistic plutocracy of the ruling class and banking industry abusing its slaves, author Chomi Prag addresses the Revolution in the United States that is brewing.
The phenomenon known as gang stalking is being experienced by more and more people around the world. Targeted individuals are feeling the heavy heat of the intrusive governmental practices of big brother constantly monitoring their lives with the help of community mobbing. Here, author Chomi Prag frankly discusses what gang stalking is all about.
Chomi Prag's debut fictional book describing the life of Cheryl Praetum, a young female attorney, and the case of her life taking on the corrupt federal court system who destroys her career in order to save the big banking industry who works hand in glove with the United States government.
Chomi's most recent interview regarding her Presidential Candidacy and the topic of gang stalking.
When the government harasses you it is "legal" and it is called GANG STALKING!
Welcome to the USA! Land of no rights for civilians! The United States Government consists of a supposed national government called the Federal Government, 50 state governments and tons and tons of local governments which consist of counties, cities, towns/ municipalities.
But in reality, the governments in the USA have no rightful jurisdiction since the land was stolen from the Natives using trickery and fraud. A basic concept of American contract law is the notion of something they call “consideration” where there is something they call “fair” dealings that are supposed to be a component of a valid contract and that both parties are getting something out of signing the contract. Obviously, what this American Government did was not fair nor was there any consideration since the Natives got nothing at all. Just the way it is today too!
You will see the lack of “consideration” in all types of contracts in the USA; especially landlord/ tenant leases, and when one must borrow money/ take a loan.
Federalism is non existent. As a matter of fact the way it works in the USA is quite contrary to the way it is supposed to work. Here, the Federal Government kowtows to states and local governments and takes orders from them and state governments take orders from local governments. Local governments have the most power in the USA. The Federal Government exists to serve them and the 50 states. The governments of this country do not own this land; it still belongs to the Natives and everyone except the Natives and the Negroid that was dragged here as a slave from Africa are TRESPASSING.
Counties, cities and towns have the most power in the USA, next up the states and last in line the Federal. The Federal Government enforces absolutely no federal laws against states and local governments unless they feel like it, since they are scared of states and local governments. The Federal Government will only act against a state or local government for violating the Federal US Constitution or Federal laws, such as HIPAA and/ or Civil Rights, only if the offending state and local government is from an opposite political party (such as the Biden Administration [Democratic President] bringing a lawsuit against the State of Texas [Republican Governor]).
Then certain parties will push a candidate up for President and that candidate will also run for President of the US when the US Constitution is clear that to be President of the USA you must be a natural born citizen, meaning born in a US Jurisdiction [Ted Cruz for President (Republican); see box below regarding my complaint against him].
The Democrats think welfare solves the ongoing problems with the Capitalist system and are: pro homeless people, LGBTQ over heterosexuals, illegal immigrants over natural born citizens, a $7.25 minimum wage, claim they are against racism but allow culturally biased tests to be used by states and local governments to penalize certain groups of minorities (psychological testing) which are discriminatory and violate civil rights, and the list can go on and on. But they act like the "good guys".
Candidates vying positions in the government have the gerontocracy mindset and can't do anything new and continue to hover over Roe v Wade since they can't think of anything new but rehash the very tired abortion issue (since that is the only issue in life), splitting hairs on when it is OK and when it is not.
Here civilians in the USA can expect to have their children stolen from them on a whim and then hold their children hostage, being on the side of an abuser parent because they are all religious/ myth fanatics [Xtian in particular] out to get you or just don't like you since you are smarter than them and aren't being their toady.
Then they will hold your children hostage where only they know where your children are, since you have NO RIGHTS, in foster homes gouging money from persecuted parents through the use of child support, and simply steal children from a persecuted parent in order to use their children to incriminate that parent and tell a bunch of lies and brainwash your children to mimic whatever they want, just because the government doesn't like the superior parent and are a woman; especially if you are not kissing up to the government, flying their tacky American Flag in front of your residence and/ or business, and do not espouse Christian or any religious beliefs.
Their tax and banking system in the "United States" is also fraudulent and has no rightful jurisdiction here either.
Their American Government thinks their shi* don't stink, but it stinks worse than the civilians shi*. They sound like morons and are weak; and display this weakness when they use words like "trauma" to show how pathetic they are and how they turn boys into girls and girls into boys in the USA. The American Government will appoint another of their morons wearing a disguised government hat that does their stupid bidding, such as a GAL (Guardian ad Litem) or gets another of their own to claim they are "in the best interest of your children" and because that government lackey is so inane all they and their stupid American Government can do is try to make you upset; but they don't even deserve to eat your toenail clippings (or Vladimir Putin's either) and when they speak you can't understand a word of gibbering lies spewing from their mouths because they are so unintelligible.
This why they are against me; they are inferior.
They will get their media to help them too!
Basically, the government doesn't like you if you are smarter than them and superior to them; WELCOME TO THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY! Chattel slaves are what civilians are and your job as a chattel slave is to placate the morons running the show, especially if they have a government title in front of their name or have been appointed by the government to do their plotting against you and your children...forced assimilation.
Judges simply make up their own rules; judicial activism, and can penalize anyone for anything since written statutes are there just for looks and actually mean nothing if they "protect the people".
The government has ultimate control, you can do nothing about it since there is no Federal Government that actually exists and any laws that help people the government makes sure to add a "catch all" at the end of those laws, once again, adding a caveat that any court order, or any other governmental action, shall supersede any rights previously given under those laws.
The best a civilian has is to file a complaint with another useless government agency since the "American Justice" system serves to make sure the government always wins. Then what that government agency does is not enforce rules against a different government but pretends that they are going to do something with your complaint, like enforce it, but instead they are just playing another of their lousy tricks and just squeezing you for information and forcing you to do work for them so they can also not do anything but waste your time and simply make up some hokey pokey to not enforce laws against a different government of theirs and simply close your complaint. The various states of the USA also do the same with complaints. Just plain corrupt.
One example is filing a complaint with a part of the Federal Government about a state and/ or local government not following Federal laws and/ or being railroaded by the state and local government as well as parts of the Federal Government and what happens thereafter about your valid complaint is...
1) not get a response, 2) not get an acknowledgement, 3) the Federal Government doing nothing at all, 4) passing the buck to a worthless different government agency [ie: state, local or different part of the Federal Government], 5) the Federal asking you for more information because they are baiting you on and on to pick your brain because they just want the information from you in order to close your complaint and DO NOTHING AND GET PAID FOR DOING NOTHING.
There's not enough money to survive since they STEAL it from civilians by making you pay exorbitant amounts in taxes and living expenses and allow very low level people that are not "American" invade the United States so EVERYONE can pay the price of corporatocracy. But non profits get off tax free since they have make believe "G/god" on their side and that really is the American Government.
Remember, the morons run the show; the American Government...they make the rules up as they go along and the rules ALWAYS benefit the government; obviously.
Attorneys in the USA are useless, for the most part, since all the American Laws benefit the government and their laws give them ALL THE POWER. The attorneys are more concerned about themselves than their clients and can oppress their clients just as much, if not more than the oppressive American Government. Attorneys simply CACKLE government desires, wishes and order to their clients to obey. USELESS.
It is SO EASY for their corrupt government in this country to win since they have all the power and civilians have no rights.
They will keep you and your children trapped in the USA and trapped in a state, when there is a 14th Amendment Constitutional right to become a permanent resident of a different state and there is no law that makes becoming a citizen of another country illegal.
Your computer activity is being completely monitored by them. Their state and local governments use the Federal Mail system to "legally" harass you and keep you TRAPPED in their corrupt government court system for YEARS and YEARS.
The Federal Government will feign innocence throughout the whole process of the American Government destroying you and your children. They will hold and make you and your children’s passports unusable. It is all "legal" since they are the government. This is how feeble and pitiful the American Government is. It isn’t a one on one fight; oh no, never that since the American Government must gang up on a single civilian in order to win; all of them versus me, as usual. Again, remember the morons are in charge.
...and if you reach out to certain of other countries, RUSSIA in particular, you and your children are DOOMED. If you request help from a different country and their leader you will find yourself facing the death penalty if that state allows it since they envy him too. There is an unspoken rule that you are not to communicate with a different country's leader, Russia’s in particular, and if you do the American Government will make it all the worse for you and your children. But if the leader of a different country is "friendly" with the USA, you know kissing their behinds, then it is OK (NATO countries).
Typing on your computer that is attached to the internet is very slow. There is no virus in your computer. Windows operating system is part of it, Google and other search engines, all things electronic that are attached to the internet and your cellular phone are also part of it. Various kinds of "programs" and "apps" in your computer also monitor EV- ER- Y- THING you are doing. Spying on you is performed where you live as well; tracking your every move.
They destroy you financially and perform character assassination using their governmental authority.
The governments of the USA believe in mythology and superstition, the Bible is the most popular, and regularly take an oath to "G/god" and raise their right hand proving their delusion in religious beliefs making them unqualified to hold any government position.
The places you are forced to live in the USA will also participate in gang stalking all so they can gouge money from you and your children too!
The USA claims it is a “democracy” but as any person with half a brain can see is that no civilians have been allowed to vote on any laws that benefit the government like whether or not civilians want to pay a single penny in TAXES. In reality ALL the laws benefit the government and if you, the civilian are right, their judges will legislate from the bench always securing victory for the American Government; such as TAXES AND PENALTIES against the civilian.
Guaranteed, if there was a vote on the tax issue alone EVERY SINGLE "AMERICAN" would run to the polls and vote NO, except those employed and getting paid by their illegitimate government.
See the section below in regards to just a taste of those delusional beliefs the American Government forces on civilians and their children...
-Followers are taught to be sheeple to the inane government and get raped
of rights and also money through taxation; Romans 13: 1-7. (notice how churches, religion and other "non -profits" get off tax free?)
"Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will [a]bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. 4 For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. 5 Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.
-SLAVERY is condoned in the Old Testament by the God of Israel; Leviticus 25: 42 - 44.
"Because the Israelites are my servants, whom I brought out of Egypt, they must not be sold as slaves. Do not rule over them ruthlessly, but fear your God. Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves."
-Jesus Christ advocated slavery; Luke 12:47.
"And that slave who knew his master's will and did not get ready or act in accord with his will, will receive many lashes."
-Worshiping Jesus Christ as "God" is idolatry.
"In those days Jesus went out to the mountain to pray, and He spent the night in prayer to God."
Luke 6:12
(If Jesus is God he wouldn't pray to God.)
" And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Matthew 27:46.
(If Jesus is God he wouldn't ask his God why it forsook him.)
" And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water:..." Matthew 3:16.
(If Jesus was sinless baptism would not have been necessary, Matthew 3:6.)
-Jesus Christ advised others to steal a colt for him, theft by proxy, Luke 19:29-35, in violation of his own teaching in Mark 10:19 and Exodus 20:15.
"As he approached Bethphage and Bethany at the hill called the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, saying to them, 'Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it.' Those who were sent ahead went and found it just as he had told them. As they were untying the colt, its owners asked them, 'Why are you untying the colt?' They replied, 'The Lord needs it.' They brought it to Jesus, threw their cloaks on the colt and put Jesus on it."
-Gun toting Christians violate Jesus' advisement in Matthew 5:39.
"But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."
-People attempt to explain away absurdities in the Bible claiming it is to be read metaphorically when the Bible states its contents are to be taken literally; 2 Peter 1:20-21.
"Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost."
-People claim Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace when Jesus says he is not; Matthew 10: 34-36.
"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn
a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law-- a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household."
-Jesus Christ advised people to kill for him and failed to love his enemies; Luke 19:27, in violation of his own teaching in Matthew 5:44 and Mark 10:19 as well as teaching others to violate the Old Testament Exodus 20:13.
"But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me.'"
-Jesus was sent only to people of Israel, not the general populace; Matthew 15:24.
"He [Yeshua Ben Yosef, also known as Jesus] answered, 'I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.'”
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